“Servants” or “Slaves” in Romans 6:17 et al.?

“δουλους” could mean “slaves” or “servants” depending on context (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon). In the context of a Christian’s relationship towards God, “servants” seems appropriate since believers become δουλους by acceptance. The voluntary aspect indicates servanthood rather than slavehood. The NASB also translates “δουλους” as “servants” in Revelation 10:7. The ESV 2011 Update has changed “slave” … Read more

“Servant” or “Deacon” in Romans 16:1?

“I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:” (Romans 16:1, KJV) It is alleged that the KJV discriminates against Phebe, a woman, by translating the Greek word describing her, διακονον, as “servant” rather than “deacon”. This allegation, of course, assumes that a “deacon” is a … Read more

“Love” or “Agape love” in John 21:15 et al.?

It is often claimed that there are different kinds of love in Greek and that “agape love” is a special kind of love which refers to the highest and noblest form of love. People who believe this criticize the KJV and other translations for translating “agape” simply as “love.” D. A. Carson, however, says, Although … Read more

A Guide to the language of the King James Version

This page might not appear properly with some display resolution settings The language of the King James Version consists of words and grammatical features that may be unfamiliar to some readers.  This page is designed to help such readers by explaining some of the most essential words and features.  After reviewing this page, readers should … Read more

“God forbid” or “May it not be” in Romans 3:4, et al.?

Μη γενοιτο is a prayer Contrary to what many critics believe, the idiom, “God forbid” did not originate in English. It is an idiom of biblical Hebrew origin, first introduced in 1 Samuel 24:6: “The LORD forbid that I should do this thing….” (ESV, NIV). Thus the idiom has biblical precedent and is legitimate. The … Read more